Vietnam Trip Report

First of all, thank you for your powerful prayers and partnership. I am coming out of the jet lag fog, thankfully, and ready to share with you about the second portion of this mission.

Part one of the journey was a quick stop in China followed by a wonderful week in Myanmar at the Reading Room we sponsor and of course, all things soccer outreach for many days. (We’ll be covering this part of the trip more in depth in a coming blog.)

Pastor Dennis and Minh sharing at the conference

Pastor Dennis and Minh sharing at the conference

"Let the Children Come to Me"

The week in Vietnam was more than Pastor Dennis Owens and I could have imagined. National partners Minh and Blessing welcomed us with loving hearts and open doors to new relationships with leaders in their sphere.

The Children's Workers training conference was two full days of joy. Thirty leaders gathered from all over Vietnam to prepare their hearts and their supplies for 12 weeks of Bible Studies (1-week sessions) offered by 8 teams in 100 villages. Half of the participants were from minority people groups and half were Viet. All were seasoned worshippers, prayer warriors and ready to offer their summer to reach the children of their nation with the love of Jesus.

Children’s workers praying to listen with their hearts

Children’s workers praying to listen with their hearts

The soil of their hearts was receptive. Dennis and I brought training sessions on seeing, listening to and speaking for God as we engage with children, plus encouragement about building the family of God first through intimacy with Him, resulting in spiritual sons and daughters as our heritage.

During the initial worship time I "saw" huge sacks of seed for sowing slung across the bodies of all the attendees. I encouraged them with this picture at the closing/commissioning service. Between the teaching sessions, the teams created props, costumes and visual aids for the upcoming Bible Schools. The sanctuary at the mother church (there are 117 daughter congregations) was well used as a training center, prayer and worship place and an arts and crafts areas in our days together. We ate our lunches in a makeshift garage area which became a dining hall in 5 minutes as folding tables and stools were added. Such wise usage of space in a city where space is surely lacking!

(Left) Minh’s daughter holds one of the babies at the center (Right) Minh’s dream of serving the children is coming true

Here is some feedback from the attendees:

Through the teaching, I came to see the value God places on children. I learned from Pastor Dennis that ‘a person is a person, no matter how small.’  I am challenged to serve the children out of a love for them and God, not just responsibility. The children will know my attitude toward them. I am serving all summer in persecuted and remote areas. Please pray for God’s protection and anointing. Please pray for my family as I serve this summer away from them.
This conference helps me to understand children, to humble myself, come down to their level and listen to them. I usually talk too much and lecture them. To be more effective, I need to listen more than I speak while teaching, allowing them to share. Please pray I will be more effective in my work with the children.

Visiting House of Hope

Visiting the Children's Center was a moving experience. Minh's vision is becoming a reality! God is raising up a lighthouse of love to serve a community of children who are neglected and forgotten. Since my last visit, Minh and the neighbors have paved the roads near the center. Flood damage from last year's devastation has been repaired and facilities have been beautifully upgraded. Children are taught and nurtured in a calm and caring manner by loving caretakers.

See some of the fun the kids at the Children's Center in Vietnam have with Pastor Dennis.

A nutritious lunch and snacks are provided each day, for some, their only food. English classes are taught in the evenings to older neighborhood children and adults as a bridge for friendship building and sharing the love of Jesus.

In closing, my heart is full of praise to God for His Presence and rest given to me every moment of this journey. Thank you for going with us in prayer and intercession. You have done the hard work and there will be ongoing fruit from your labor.

Prayer Points:

1. Protection and fruitfulness over the 10 weeks of ongoing Bible Studies throughout Vietnam. Last year 1,000 children received Jesus as Lord. They are asking for many more this year!

2. Funds for ongoing monthly needs at Minh's House of Hope. Two more teachers and a cook are needed.

3. Ongoing evangelism from Firefall Football Challenge #5. Many players are reaching out with questions as they read the evangelistic Bibles in Burmese.



A Life Transformed

When I first met Brother A (shortened for security purposes) a few years ago, he was shy and reserved to the point of not making eye contact when we conversed. His faith journey from Buddhist monk to follower of Jesus was punctuated by a powerful heavenly vision, surrender to Jesus and subsequent baptism followed by speedy transport to a new city for his protection. Soon after this, persecution and bodily harm came his way from former religious leaders and his own family. Brother A remained steadfast in his resolve to follow only Jesus Christ, whatever the cost.

Pastor David and others mentored him over the years, pouring in time, encouragement and prayer for healing in both body and soul. Brother A began to find joy and meaning in serving others in the local church. He shared his testimony when asked and grew in relationship with young and old in the local fellowship. 

Brother A on his new (used) motorbike given by Firefall support. Learn more in this blog article!

Brother A on his new (used) motorbike given by Firefall support. Learn more in this blog article!

Last year, House of Glory commissioned Brother A and sent him to a village nearby to establish a place to share the love of Jesus Christ where there were no believers. Church members give sacrificially each month to meet the rent and expenses for Brother A to serve the community in the love of God. Brother A is undergirded by House of Glory in prayer as well as ministry teams who come out to serve in various forms of outreach.

Brother A's village will be sending a football team to compete in the Firefall Football Challenge #5 at the end of this month. There is hunger to compete in the tournament and to hear more about the One who walked out of his own grave and offers eternal life to those who believe in Him.

This video above shows Brother A joyfully leading village children in singing as they gathered for a summer Bible school program two weeks ago. When I see the changes God is making both in and through this brother's life, my heart swells with gratitude and worship at the work of the Holy Spirit in each of our lives to transform us from glory to glory. 

"Instead of your shame you will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace you will rejoice in your inheritance. And so you will inherit a double portion in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours." Isaiah 61:7

Thank you, Firefall friends, for your prayers as we ask the Lord of the harvest to send out and bless workers to share the love of Jesus Christ.  

Find out how you can help with the last 31 of our sponsorships for the upcoming Firefall Challenge Cup #5.

It's All About the Kids

In Psalm 71, verse 18, David prays, “Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, my God, til I declare your power to the next generation, your mighty acts to all who are to come.”

The message of God’s great love through Jesus Christ must be shared and nurtured among each new generation for our faith to be passed on in the earth. Jim and I feel this personally as we embrace our four grandchildren with our arms and with our prayers. It’s not enough that Papa and Mimi follow Jesus. These little ones must have their own encounters with Jesus as they learn of His love for them from their parents and grandparents and others.  

Firefall Challenge Cup #5

As we continue our work in Myanmar and Vietnam this spring, the youth are our focus. Pastor Dennis Owens of Pine Bluff will partner with Firefall as we anticipate a harvest of souls during the Firefall Challenge Cup #5 in late March. Eight teams from all over the nation will gather for four days of matches, fellowship, laughter, singing and hearing about the love of God demonstrated by Jesus Christ for them.

See photos from past Challenge Cups:

Evangelistic Bibles will be offered, meals will be served and regional Christian coaches will be strengthened in their faith by their mentor, Pastor David. Many of these coaches shine the light of God’s love through sport in villages where there are only a handful of believers, if any. Pastor David senses many are ready this year to make the bold and costly commitment to fully surrender their lives to Jesus Christ.

After the football challenge, we fly to Vietnam to train children’s workers in a conference. They will come from many provinces in the nation. Minh and Blessing have extended a gracious and humbling invitation. After the equipping conference, these young leaders will spend May through September traveling in teams throughout the land, taking the good news to children who have never known about God’s love for them. What a privilege to share with these passionate and gifted young leaders! They are asking God for thousands of children to receive Christ during this time.

We are excited about the upcoming opportunities. Tickets have been purchased, itineraries have been planned.

Firefall partner, would you join us in prayer and sponsorship?

The expenses of this trip will be met with 140 sponsorships of $65. Please prayerfully consider funding 1,2,5 or even 10 football players or attendees of the children’s conference. Every gift helps and 100% goes to support this special event.


You helped us reach our goal!

Doors are open for the gospel to transform lives. We are blessed with trusted partners in these nations. Your prayers and giving are needed ingredients for this vision to become reality, for the youth of Myanmar and Vietnam to take the torch of faith to their villages and on to the next generation who will believe. Thank you for praying and for obeying.   

2,000 Hear Christmas Message in Myanmar

Christmas, the festival of the Christians, is a perfectly acceptable time to engage a Buddhist, Hindu or animist about your beliefs and customs of celebrating. There is a measure of curiosity and openness during a festival that is a window of interest to share about the love of Jesus Christ and His coming to earth as a baby. Pastor David leads his congregation wisely to invest in outreach at this most opportune time for evangelism. It is our joy to partner with them!

Children from the reading room sing and dance at a Christmas Celebration

Children from the reading room sing and dance at a Christmas Celebration

This year, House of Glory held eight outreaches during the month of December in various villages, the reading room, at Sister May's farm and on the property where the church will be built in the year to come. One thousand Evangelistic Bibles in Burmese were made available for those interested. Many chose to pick up a Bible after hearing the story of Jesus and listening to the songs. Delicious food was served and small presents were given to each attendee.

Honoring students and parents at the Reading Room

Honoring students and parents at the Reading Room

Pastor David shares:

"I could share about Jesus and His birthday by explaining why He came to the earth as a human at this Christmas time. I could explain His divinity as well. Other gods in the world were illuminated from man to god, but Jesus became man from God to save us sinners. I could give them examples of religions which could not save, as compared to Jesus alone through His resurrection power, so they might compare. Their sincere interest in the good news made my message go 90 minutes long!"

Delicious meals were served to hundreds in eight locations last month

Delicious meals were served to hundreds in eight locations last month

Thanks to your prayer and giving, 2,000 people heard about Jesus this December in Myanmar. God's Word will continue to speak to hearts as they read and remember the message shared with love and passion. Cell leaders and church planters will return to these neighborhoods to continue to build relationships, have Bible studies and bless the communities. Phone numbers were given out in case of questions.

New believers gather for preaching, prayer and fellowship

New believers gather for preaching, prayer and fellowship

Jim and I are humbled and amazed at the servanthood, the sacrifices of the church body and the spiritual hunger displayed by a large percentage of those in attendance.

Hunger for God's Word is beautiful in any culture

Hunger for God's Word is beautiful in any culture

"Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away." Matthew 24:35

Let us pray for a mighty harvest of souls from the seeds sown in these outreaches. What a privilege for Jim and me to labor with you in lifting Jesus up as He draws sons and daughters to Himself.

With love and thanks,


New Beginnings for 2019

January, for most of us, is a time of new beginnings.

Maybe for you it’s a time of reflection and reorientation. It can be a time to take stock of our journey and make some course corrections. It’s a good time to drop extra baggage, embrace new hopes, and set a new direction.

In consecrating myself anew to God’s guidance and provision, every year I go back to a prayer of the great revivalist, John Wesley, who was used by God to change the course of human history. Even this great man of God began each year by giving everything back to God.

I pray that you are blessed, renewed and released into the purpose of God as you pray this prayer.

John Wesley’s Prayer of Consecration

circa 1780

Let me be Your servant, under Your command. I will no longer be my own. I will give up myself to Your will in all things.

Lord, make me what You will. I put myself fully into Your hands; put me to doing, put me to suffering, let me be employed for You or laid aside for You, let me be full, let me be empty, let me have all things, let me have nothing.

I freely and with a willing heart give it all to Your pleasure and disposal. I do here covenant with You, O Christ, to make my lot with You as it may fall. Through Your grace I promise that neither life nor death will part me from You.

I make this covenant with You, O God, without guile or reservation. If any falsehood should be in it, guide me and help me to set it right. Mighty God, let this covenant I have made on earth be ratified in heaven, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen

Stewarding God's Family: October Trip Update

This article originally appeared in our November 2018 newsletter.

Pastor David had made the arrangements for the “Stewarding God’s Family” Conference and sent invitations across the nation to key couples in ministry. Then, the conference hotel where reservations had been made called David to inform him that the agreed upon rate for rooms and food had tripled! David emailed us with the news and we all prayed — with urgency!

Another conference center with more basic accommodations just “happened” to have a cancellation so the facility would be available on just the right days and the cost would be less. 

This meant that even though the venue was not as nice, more couples could attend. Instead of 15 couples in ministry, there were 35!


A goal of Firefall International is “transforming nations through compassionate partnership.” This conference was an example of that.

Nancy and I (Jim) shared the teaching load with Pastor David and his wife, Diim Te, and also the associate pastor, Daniel and his wife, Diim. In addition, worship and morning devotions were led by nationals. We wish we could express to you the joy of seeing our spiritual sons and daughters ministering in the wisdom and power of the Holy Spirit.

When God Stepped In

There is a moment in the conference that stands out to me. I was teaching from Romans 16 where Paul is thanking those who worked with him in the gospel. His list is about equally divided between men and women. Paul was not teaching doctrine or defining ecclesiastical positions, he was just thanking those who did the work. My purpose was to show that, in Paul’s view, women were equally acknowledged and appreciated for their service in the Lord.

As I was talking about Paul thanking those faithful workers, I started to thank those in front of me for their work. As I did, it was if I stopped speaking and God was speaking through me right to their hearts. I felt the compassion and gratitude of the Holy Spirit for these unrecognized giants of faith. I thanked them for boldly going into demonic strongholds, for sowing seeds of the gospel with tears and faith into hard ground, and for persevering in the midst of all kinds of persecution and resistance. I felt these words of gratitude go into their hearts like water into thirsty ground.

Later Nancy and I interviewed one of our Firefall associates who is planting a church in one of the hardest regions of this dark nation. He said that it was the first time someone had said “Thank you” for the sacrifices he and his family were making.

In some ways this conference was like Ezekiel’s vision where he spoke life into dry bones and they became an army. I’m convinced that spiritual victories will be won and the kingdom extended because of your prayer and sponsorship of these couples. Thank you!

Testimonials from Conference Attendees

I had never attended this kind of seminar, emphasis on balance in family and ministry, though I had served in the ministry for twenty years. I learned the importance of family in the ministry. That changed my opinion and lifestyle in the ministry for the future. I firmly believe that my family life and my ministry would be more fruitful and blessed as I would implement what I learned from this seminar. Thanks a lot and may our Lord bless everyone those who participate to conduct this kind of seminar in our nation!
My perspectives on woman role in the ministry was totally changed by attending this seminar. I just considered and assumed woman as a second class or just supported instrument in the ministry because of our Burmese culture and tradition. When I listened about the teachings on Roman 16 and serving husband and wife together in ministry, the Lord changed my perspective and now I submit my life to prioritize the role of women in our ministry and church in the coming days.

Firefall Missionaries Counting the Cost

A highlight of the trip this fall for Jim and me was time spent with two evangelists Firefall supports monthly in Myanmar. These men attended our leader conference and brought other hungry disciples with them. They are serving in areas resistant to the gospel. This resistance means anything from ridicule to the destruction of property and endangerment of their lives.  


They are young men with families who have obeyed the call to build a bridge for the good news by establishing their homes and serving in the most basic of ways. One of the men shared that he visits the hospitals, serving and praying for those who have no one to care for them. He does this out of love for Jesus in his desire to demonstrate the love of God. His young family has faced rejection and persecution, yet the call to see souls come to know the love of Jesus Christ compels him. We rejoice that they are seeing fruit for their labors in faith.

Pastor David oversees these men on behalf of Firefall. Jim and I were honored to have time in prayer with these two. Their pure zeal to extend God’s kingdom, whatever the cost, touched us deeply. Knowing that we and other partners of Firefall care for them personally made a huge impact on them.

Please pray for these two men and their families as they are daily sowing seed into hard ground out of love for Jesus Christ.

missionaries-1218 2.jpg

Speaking of sowing seed, there will be eight outreaches in Myanmar in the month of December. Please pray for favor with attendees and an openness to the story of Christmas among those who have never heard. Pray that the evangelistic Burmese Bibles will fall into hands of those ready to receive the good news of Jesus Christ.

One thousand people will attend these outreaches. If you would like to provide Bibles for those attending, the cost is $1 each. (Use the button below and note “Bibles” in PayPal.)

Thank you for investing in prayer as we join our faith with those serving in these eight events with food preparation, drama, child care, the preaching of the good news and Bible distribution. May there be a mighty harvest of souls and may Jesus receive the reward of His suffering.

Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Let earth receive her King! Let every heart prepare Him room. Amen and amen.

Firefall Media Launches Finding My Father Book

An Excerpt from finding my father by Jim Pennington:

I watched in disbelief as my father’s casket was lowered into the grave. My mind struggled with the thoughts. I was forced to conclude, “This is not a bad dream. This is real. My father is gone. I don’t have a Dad anymore.” I tried to reason my way through the confusion. “It’s O.K. I’m seventeen years old. I’m old enough to make it. I’ll be fine.” But I wasn’t fine. A dark emptiness settled into my soul fueled by grief, remorse, the sickness of unfulfilled hopes, and the shame of unmet expectations. Dad was gone and nothing I could do would change that.

Two weeks earlier, after returning from Scout camp I had helped Dad spread gravel on the steep driveway to the lake house. We had two houses, one in town and one on the lake. It was only a four-mile drive between the two, but they seemed to be worlds apart. Every summer our family would move to the lake house where my days were filled with swimming, skiing, sailing or putting around the lake to see friends in my small motorboat. I wore a swimsuit or cut off jean shorts. No shoes, no shirt required. I did get a thrill once when my bare foot stepped on a hidden green snake. I don’t know which one of us moved faster. My skin was tanned and my curly hair bleached blond by the sun. The road leading to the lake house was a steep one descending sharply, and often rutted by rain. A couple of times a year we had to fill in the ruts with gravel to slow the erosion and keep the road drivable. So, Dad and I spent a hot June Sunday afternoon filling the ruts and spreading the gravel on the road. It was hard work, but we were both used to hard work. It was a virtue in my family. Maybe the highest virtue of all.

Monday morning came, and Dad did something that I had never known him to do before. He went to see the doctor. I thought my Dad was indestructible. Sure, he smoked like a chimney and drank like a fish. He took a break from work most days for donuts and coffee in the morning or pie and coffee in the afternoon next door to the clothing store at the Blue Bell Café, but I never saw it coming. Not in a million years. Dad was going to the doctor. The doctor told him, “Penny, you’ve had a heart attack,” and put him into the hospital. Two weeks later he had a second heart attack and in a matter of hours, he was gone. So, who was my Dad? Where did he come from? What were the dynamics that shaped his life that were passed down to me?

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. Proverbs 13:12

It’s wonderful when a longing is fulfilled or when a dream becomes reality. It’s also rewarding to make that happen for someone else.

My (Jim’s) dream, decades in the making, is about to be fulfilled.

A book I wrote, Finding My Father, tells my story about experiencing God’s love as a loving Father after 30 years in ministry. I’ve seen this powerful message change lives from America to Europe to Asia. My prayer is that the book will impact many more.

But we need your help to boost the success of the book launch takes a guess about how popular a new book will be, and how many copies they need to stock based on book pre-orders (orders placed in a 28-day period before the book is actually available). The pre-order response is critical to a good launch!

Books that have pre-order traffic will later be listed as “In stock, ships today” and become recommended books. If they don’t make the cut (not enough pre-order traffic), they get listed as “Ships in 7-11 days. It also won’t appear in “books you might like” recommendations.

Here’s How to Pre-Order

Use this link or the button below to pre-order your Kindle or paperback copy of Finding My Father. You’ll be able to read it on Kindle immediately, and paperback copies will ship out on December 21.

Want to help even more?

If you would like to be a part of JP’s Book Group and be alerted of other opportunities to share this book with your family and friends, fill out the form below and we will reach out with ways you can help!

Most of all please pray with me that the Father will transform lives through His healing love!

In the Father’s love,


5 Special Opportunities for Giving Tuesday

The day is here!

It’s Giving Tuesday 2018, and we’re excited about the opportunity it gives us to share a bit more about a variety of needs we have and how you can help.


In this season of giving, it’s quite refreshing using your finances to bless someone in the church family, impact a child’s life and support a ministry where 100% of your gift will go to the need indicated!

Here are a few Giving Day opportunities for you

Pick out one or give whatever amount works best for you to support impactful ministries across the world!

  • Evangelistic Bibles in Myanmar- $2 each (you choose the quantity)

  • Books for the Reading Room in Myanmar- $5, $10, $15, $20

  • Soccer cleats (shoes) for boys in outreach program- $20

  • Materials for English lesson outreach to children in Vietnam- $5, $10, $15, $20

  • Sponsor a church planter in Myanmar for 1 month- $100

Pick a need and easily give online

Maybe you’re excited about giving to books in the Reading Room, or maybe you want to buy a few pairs of soccer cleats. Whatever touches your heart, consider giving to one of these needs this Giving Tuesday, or even donate in someone’s name and we can send you a certificate for them (just indicate this in the notes section)!

Just note the specific need you’re giving to in the PayPal Notes section.

Cuppa with Nancy: Through the Valley of the Shadow

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me.” Psalm 23:4

Today’s cuppa is an organic black tea from Yunnan Province in SW China. It tastes like fall, rich and satisfying, with hints of smoke and dried peaches. Both the tea and the quiet hour are restorative. Rays of sunshine highlight the green, gold and garnet leaves of our dogwood trees. It’s ironic...the same frost that blighted some of our landscape plants has coaxed the deeper, more glorious hues of the dogwoods. Thank you, Lord, for giving us seasons in nature and in life. Thank you that your mercies are new for me this day and everyday.

Elizabeth and Ko Kyi at a church celebration meal

Elizabeth and Ko Kyi at a church celebration meal

Elizabeth and her husband Ko Kyi have led Firefall International/s Reading Room outreach for a few years in Myanmar. Their son is in grade school, a very outstanding and sensitive little boy.

About three months ago, they were blessed to welcome baby Rachel into their family. She was delivered by cesarean birth in total health. However, the next three days for Elizabeth were a journey through the valley of the shadow of death.

Her heart rate began racing, her oxygen rate fell to less than 70 and her blood pressure soared to 175/140. She was terrified. The doctors took her baby from her. Most frightening to Elizabeth was the stream of estranged relatives (on account of her conversion to faith in Jesus) who lined up to visit her at the hospital. She knew they were coming to pay their respects before her death. She cried out from her heart, “Lord, save me, save me!” She heard nothing in response, but knew her husband and others were praying. She waited in the shadow.

Meanwhile, the doctor asked Ko Kyi to prepare his heart that Elizabeth might not make it, saying they had done all they could. At first, he was overcome with sorrow at the thought of losing her and raising their two children alone. As he waited in prayer, a peace settled on his heart and he began to thank God for her salvation and the realization that if she did die, they would be reunited in heaven. “I had an assurance and a hope”, he said. “I also realized my mother put her life at risk in giving birth to me. I determined to share my thanks to her.”

On a Saturday evening in my home, Pastor David sent a photo of Elizabeth with Rachel shortly after the birth. The baby looked lovely, but as I studied Elizabeth’s swollen face, I knew in my spirit that her life was in grave danger. I began to pray fervently and with tears over the next two days. The local church in Myanmar prayed without ceasing.

Gradually Elizabeth’s vitals began to stabilize. She was restored to full health! A recent scan of her heart confirmed this.

Holding precious little Rachel (her Burmese name means Snow Emerald)

Holding precious little Rachel (her Burmese name means Snow Emerald)


Three weeks ago, I had the joy of holding their chunky, beautiful daughter and hearing them recount the story of their miracle.

When asked what was different in her life since these events, she shared two things:

  1. A new gratitude for life. “When my eyes open each morning, I thank God for this, that I am still alive today, because of His protection and grace.”

  2. A resolve to live for Jesus with all her strength. “I realize the time is short in this life. Every day is a gift.”

May this story of Elizabeth’s miracle touch your heart with conviction and encouragement today.

