Update from Myanmar: Zoom Services & Current COVID Situation

I preached in Myanmar!

Because of the military coup (and COVID, too!), no one is allowed to enter Myanmar. It’s been tough to learn about the suffering of those we love yet unable to be with them. Nancy and I long to give them hugs of love and words of encouragement.

Zoom around the world

At least we got to speak with our beloved friends by Zoom. It meant so much to see the faces of so many whom we’ve grown to love so dearly. Last month, Pastor David invited us to join their Sunday morning service (11:30 p.m. Saturday night our time). Nancy shared words of blessing from the Scripture and prayed for the nation. I preached the Sunday sermon then Pastor David led us in receiving communion (each home had prepared the elements).


Still longing for the day

We long for the day when we’ll be together in person. Still, we thank the Lord that through Zoom, we could celebrate His presence and worship Him with our brothers and sisters on the other side of the world.


From Pastor David: The Current Situation in Myanmar

Thanks for your love, concern and encouragement during the pandemic and political crisis we are facing. We are praying at least three hours each day for our people and our nation with tears. We are not fasting this time, as the doctor suggests the immune system is very important to support.

By the grace and protection of God, no one from House of Glory (HoG) families and our network are infected with COVID-19. Though some are feeling sick (seasonal flu), they recover day by day. However, the third wave of the pandemic is still very bad in our nation. An average of 20 people die daily in our hometown. More than 210 pastors and missionaries died during this third wave. As for me, I lost some of my classmates, spiritual mentors, professors at the Bible school and ministry fellowship partners.

Many people are still struggling for their daily food since they lost their incomes because of lockdown restrictions. Many people fear they will die because of starvation rather than the pandemic. We are praying for them with tears.

Because of the political conflict, many are still being shot to death and some are put in jail. We are confronting pandemic, famine and political turmoil.

Nevertheless, we give our hearts more to Jesus as everything is under His control. The spiritual life of HoG families is growing in the midst of these challenges!


How you can help

Connecting with House of Glory by Zoom and sharing the communion service with them was a high water mark for Jim and me this summer. How beautiful is the Body of Christ! Your prayers for them in this hour are being heard and answered.

We rejoice that doors are still open to send funds to feed hungry people in both Myanmar and Vietnam. If you care to give, we will gladly share 100% of your gift to feed those in need in this critical hour.


Thank you for praying, caring and giving.

We love and appreciate you,

Jim, Nancy and Grace