Firefall International

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Month of Harvest: Humanitarian Aid

Firefall Meeting Needs

During October, we’ll take a look at some of the ways Jesus is using your financial investment in Firefall International to transform lives, and even whole communities through our Month of Harvest campaign.

Your generous giving helped people in desperate need suffering from floods, fires, natural disasters and violent persecution. You also brought clean water to two villages.

It’s hard for me to imagine spending hours each day carrying water from a distant stream for my family. All the while knowing that after all the strain and struggle the water would be dirty and infected. What would it mean if all of a sudden I had access to abundant, clean water because someone half a world away cared about my problems?

Well, you cared in Jesus’ name and provided clean water wells.

In two villages in Myanmar (Burma) the Christians are no longer seen as a threat to the community but as a great blessing. These church plants are now seen in a positive light. Instead of threats of violence, these followers of Jesus hear expressions of thanks. The kingdom of God is coming to these villages through acts of compassion, provision of clean water and hearts that are now open to the life-giving gospel of Jesus.

This month, would you consider a generous gift for the ongoing ministry of Firefall International? God is using you to change lives for His glory!

Give below and notate “Month of Harvest” on PayPal to help us reach our $50,000 goal during this Month of Harvest.

Prayer Points

  • Pray for the house churches in these 2 villages that they can bring others to Jesus.

  • Pray for hearts of the villagers. Pray that their gratitude for water brings openness to the gospel.

  • Pray for new believers to become strong disciples who disciple others.

Check back in next week for another story of exciting Firefall projects.