Trip Report

Our Return to Vietnam

Approaching the runway to land in Saigon seemed a little different after a six-year hiatus. The familiar bunkers were missing from the airport, an ugly scar of the wars of the past. Immigration was easier, friendlier. Still, some things were the same. Our old friend Minh was waiting and smiling just like always, right outside the terminal in the “meeting friends” section. The weather was as hot as we remembered and the bed was just as welcoming after our 26 hours of travel.

To say we are grateful for your prayers sounds much too trite. In truth, we were surrounded and lifted by your intercession each moment of the 10-day mission. The promise of God’s presence with us was realized. The team experienced a divine unity and flow that only comes from heaven touching earth. Thank you for going with us in prayer. Your prayers and God’s gracious answers made this trip impactful and joyful. We were kept by the power of God and given unity of purpose by the Holy Spirit. Thanks be to God!

Children’s workers training

We had the joy of meeting for two full days with humble and dedicated young disciples preparing for a 90-day mission to take Vacation Bible School training to the uttermost parts of Vietnam and some areas yet unreached by the good news of Jesus. They will sleep on the ground and take their own food when needed. We found them to be shy but very receptive to us as we shared what the Lord had put on our hearts for them. 

The Lord’s presence broke down the barriers between us just as He had promised. Together, we experienced a calling of “deep unto deep,” an invitation to renewed intimacy with Jesus in worship and “letting our hair down” with Him, like Mary did with Jesus at Bethany. As God moved among us, leaders reported being strengthened and renewed for their monumental task ahead. Please keep them in prayer as they seek to impact thousands of children this summer. 

Football, football, football!

We had an enjoyable Sunday late afternoon and evening gathering of eight teams of football players and many onlookers at a large and lovely facility just outside the city.

For Jim and me, it was delightful watching Pastor David take in the event. He was like a kid in a candy store, eyeing the potential of touching lives with the love of Jesus through sport outreach and discipleship. Matches were lively and a grand time was had by everyone, thanks to your prayers for us. The Lord even quickened David’s wife Diim te to stop a thief who was attempting to grab her husband’s small bag containing documents and money as we sat together chatting during one of the matches. She was as bold as a lioness in protecting her own! The thief was caught and reported to the owner of the facility, who marched him off the promises and reported him to the authorities. Thank you, prayer partners! The event went on without a hitch. 

The next day, Pastor David and Philip trained pastors, youth leaders and sport leaders in essentials for effective sport ministry and blessing of the local communities. Relationships were established which will continue to be fostered by internet connection and hopefully team competitions between the two nations in the future, God willing. 

Marriage renewal 

We traveled to a lovely beach community for three days of fun, fellowship and focus on our marriages. These couples pastor among minority people groups in the nation and are bi-vocational. These leaders are loved by Minh and Blessing, who instruct them about healthy marriages and family life as often as they can. 

Pastor David and Diim te brought powerful teaching and testimonies about the foundation for effective marriage, family and ministry. The Lord was in our midst, breaking down barriers and healing wounds from past hurts. One older pastor exclaimed “We can have a new marriage?” with laughter and joyful epiphany as the Holy Spirit answered his query. Our three days together closed with a powerful time of prayer as couples held hands or embraced and prayed for the restoration of their own marriages and families. 

Once again, we saw the Holy Spirit accomplish something we could never do. Thank you for praying, thank you for sending us out. Please continue to pray for these couples, that they will continue to walk in restoration God gave them, through continued communion with God and their mate.

As we rest up from the jetlag, our hearts are overflowing with thanks to the Lord and to you who send and sustain us by your giving and prayer support. 

I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from?

My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber;

indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.

The Lord watches over you— the Lord is your shade at your right hand;

the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.

The Lord will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life;

the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.

Psalm 121:1-8

With love and gratitude,

Jim, Nancy and Vietnam Team

Myanmar Trip Report

A Quick Recap

We had a wonderful week in Myanmar as a part of our last trip, filled with Reading Room learnings, football/soccer playing and much more!

  • Strategic friendships were formed in the Reading Room training we offered. Dennis Owens instructed and encouraged parents and educators. The founder of a well-known private academy was with us, along with many lovely mothers, babies and grandmas.

  • A beautiful spirit of fellowship surrounded the four days of football competition and evening outreaches. The local team, under Pastor David's mentoring, has become skilled at creating a warm and joyful atmosphere which keeps the athletes engaged.

  • On the closing night, Pastor David introduced Jesus and His love for all people, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, every one of us. You could have heard a pin drop in the hall as David shared for about 20 minutes. Many teams came as groups to receive the written and recorded versions of the Book which tells of the love of Jesus. I had a profound sense of being in the middle of a miracle. This is a result of your prayers.

Get the recap on the Vietnam part of the trip here.

Some photos from Myanmar

Pho Chan’s Story: Growing in Love & Grace


Several years ago, we told the story of Pho Chan’s conversion when Pastor David shared about the love of Jesus to teens. His family beat him on his back with bamboo rods until the blood flowed. He was disowned for following Jesus Christ. Pastor David opened his home and taught Pho Chan the life of following Jesus Christ by making him part of their family. He learned a trade, participated in family devotions and grew in connection and service at the local church.

Today Pho Chan is strong in his faith. He married a passionate, lovely believer whose English name is Ruth. She leads worship and prayer at the church. God has blessed them with a beautiful son. Besides driving a taxi (converted 3-wheeler motorbike), Pho Chan is a vital part of the Glory soccer team. He also serves as a coach of the Eagles team, which is an outreach boys team targeting poor neighborhoods. His family is warming to his faith as they see him as a loving and successful man, husband, father and son.  

It is gratifying to return year after year and see the growth within members of this beloved fellowship. This is the fruit of love and New Testament discipleship. How beautiful is the Body of Christ!

Thank you for your prayers for continuing growth among new believers in Myanmar.

Reading Room Update

A Morning to Treasure

Our schedule was overbooked with preparations for the upcoming football outreaches and Eagles Team practices. Pastor David and I agreed on a quick drop-in at the Reading Room before a lunch meeting.

The Spanish Team accompanied us. As the van approached the Reading Room, we heard the sounds of laughter and pleasant conversation. In a recently constructed "lean to" addition, Reading Room Host Ko Gyi was teaching English phrases to 20 high school students in a very animated way. These neighborhood students are on summer break now. His kindness and enthusiasm set the stage for a great learning atmosphere. We lingered a few minutes, then moved inside the Reading Room proper.

Reading Room hostess Elizabeth teaching

Reading Room hostess Elizabeth teaching

Host Ko Gyi is an engaging teacher of mathematics and English

Host Ko Gyi is an engaging teacher of mathematics and English

To my great joy, I saw four tables full of little boys and girls also learning English! Hostess Elizabeth had brilliantly transformed the space from a library to a pleasant classroom. The children were attentive and focused on their important work. Due to poverty, these neighborhood children have no way to attend regular school. The government schools are overcrowded and understaffed with one teacher to 50 or 60 students. There is a shortage of textbooks. For these 34 students and their parents, this makeshift classroom is a literal lifeline for their future. The fact they are learning not only Burmese grammar but also English gives them a great advantage.

Elizabeth has a quiet grace and authority about her, coupled with a mother's heart for the children. She and her husband are investing in the future of each of these children while demonstrating the love of Jesus Christ by their character and work ethic. They are born teachers and lovely disciples of Jesus.

Pastor David gives a new textbook to one of our 34 students

Pastor David gives a new textbook to one of our 34 students

I experienced many rewarding moments while on this recent trip, but I will never forget the beauty of the students learning in an atmosphere of Christian love. Every dollar invested in this creative outreach is reaping maximum goodwill in the neighborhood while lifting children and teens through loving, quality instruction.

Host couple shares their favorite aspects of serving in the Reading Room in Myanmar.

Please pray:

1. For Ko Gyi and Elizabeth as they tirelessly serve the community by hosting the Reading Room and teaching

2. Open hearts to the demonstrated love of Jesus, both students and their families.

"Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." -Matthew 5:16

Firefall Football Challenge Cup #4 Recap: Fun & Fruitful

During our last meal together in Myanmar, the Spanish team and I debriefed the mission. Dan Fernandez of Athletes in Action Spain has led the team each of the four years, plus leading training last November for the coaches in Myanmar. He marveled at the ways God worked in our midst. A near palpable peace and joy surrounded all of us during the matches (8 each day). In the evenings, all players gathered for awards (Man of the Match trophies and shirts), silly songs, laughter and a marked increase in hunger to hear spiritual truth through music, testimony and short preaching by Pastor David.

We enjoyed four days of exciting matches

We enjoyed four days of exciting matches

On Good Friday evening, our last night together, Pastor David shared that this was an important day to Christians. He went on to say he was usually with his own church preaching about what happened to Jesus on this day. Did they want him to tell them what happened to Jesus on this day? There was a resounding "yes" from the 150 young men there.

Pastor David, a masterful MC for our evening activities

Pastor David, a masterful MC for our evening activities

David shared for about 15 minutes about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. You could have heard a pin drop. I prayed silently, knowing these words of truth were entering hearts all over the room with power. We had set up a table with many copies of the Evangelistic Burmese Bible and Jesus Film DVDs. They were invited to pick up a Bible or Jesus Film as we closed the evening if they had a interest, no pressure. Many moved quickly to take these items. It was holy ground.

Fellowship shared during football matches brought down barriers, connected towns and villages and ushered in an atmosphere where Pastor David sowed seeds of eternal life into hungry hearts. God's Word will not return void. It will produce a harvest!

Thank you for praying for us and for giving sacrificially to sponsor players for the challenge cup. The local coaches will continue to follow up and share the love of Jesus throughout the year. What a privilege to have a small part in what God is doing to bring people to Himself in Myanmar through sport. Thank you, Firefall partners!

The victors!

The victors!

Eagles Team: physical, relational & spiritual hunger met

Some of the Eagles pose with Spanish team and Pastor David

Some of the Eagles pose with Spanish team and Pastor David

We had six training sessions and two meals with the Eagles Boys Team while in Myanmar. As I watched the Spaniards interact with the boys from poor Buddhist and Muslim homes, I could not tell who was enjoying the time more…the Spanish team, I think! These athletes are masterful at using football to demonstrate physical affection, teach boundaries, respect and discipline, impart character traits and just show these little boys they are worthy of time and attention because they are created and loved by God. By the end of the first training session, they had given nicknames to each player which stuck with them throughout the week, to their delight.

After training, the boys listen intently to their sport heroes

After training, the boys listen intently to their sport heroes

Eagles enjoying noodles and affection

Eagles enjoying noodles and affection

Pastor David invited the boys to attend all aspects of the football challenge, even the night meetings. They sang, laughed and soaked in words of life that were shared. We saw many of them leave with a Bible clutched in their hands to take home. There will be follow-up for them during their weekly meetings with the House of Glory coaches.

As we said our goodbyes after the last noodle shop meal together, there were tears wiped away from the eyes of both the Eagles boys and the Spanish team. The bonds of love formed on a mission like this are unforgettable and life-changing. Thank you for making this time possible through your love, prayers and giving. I pray these boys will always remember the demonstrated love of Jesus they tasted during these very wonderful days we had together.

coming soon

Check back over the next few weeks (we'll email subscribers, too) to read more about our Reading Room updates and how God is expanding its influence in the community. Also, what came of Nancy's lunch with visionary women leaders.

Shalom from Israel

israel trip: part 2

Shalom again from Jerusalem, the city of our great King. (Scroll down to see Part 1)

Our tour officially ended today. The days were jam packed with information, joyful discovery and revelation. My heart is full.

I feel renewed and refreshed by God’s grace. I thank our wonderful Holy Spirit and you who prayed for me.


I am sharing a photo of St. Ann’s church near the Pool of Bethesda. The church is elegant in its simplicity and the acoustics are unrivaled. What a special place to pause and pray in reflection of Jesus healing the paralytic.

Our time at the Garden Tomb was meaningful.


Thirty-seven pilgrims worshiped together and shared communion, people who were strangers only ten days ago. How beautiful is the body of Christ.


The photo of me standing by the tree honoring Corrie Ten Boom and family is a treasure to me. This tree grows in the garden beyond Yad VaShem Holocaust Museum. The Ten Boom family held a weekly prayer meeting for the fate of the Jews for ten years and risked their lives to aid and house Jews in Amsterdam during World War 2.

As I learned of the heroic and selfless acts of so many to bless the Jewish people, I am amazed and struck to the heart.

I leave you with a lovely view of the Mount of Olives taken from within the Old City. I pray you will join me in faithful prayer for the peace of Jerusalem and for the awakening of those living here.

Peace and love from Jerusalem,


IsraeL Trip: Part 1

This is day 6 of my Israel travels, and what a joy it has been. Thank you for praying. My friend Terri and I are having a wonderful journey, soaking in the land and learning about the history of the time when Jesus lived here.


I really enjoyed the tranquility of the Jordan River baptism site. Surrounding the riverbank are beautiful tile presentations of Mark 1: 9-11 in many languages.

My heart leapt when I found the one in Kachin language from our beloved Myanmar.


I chuckled when I saw the tribal language from Eritrea, mentioned to me at dinner the night before from a couple in our group from Ethiopia. They are lovely.


The languages remind us that soon, those from every language, tribe and nation will worship the Lamb of God forever! Rev. 7:9-10.

Jerusalem is a melting pot and the focus of so many at this time. It is a privilege to be here and to pray.

With love,