A Golden Opportunity in Myanmar, the Golden Land

So many times, we ask God to bless what we are doing for Him. This is a fine prayer and God is gracious. Over the decades, though, we are learning to seek an awareness of what God is initiating and to ask Him, “How can we participate in what You are doing, Lord?”

We sincerely believe we have such an open door in Myanmar right now. 

Two weeks ago, Pastor David met with 20 families staying with relatives in the farmland near his city. They fled four areas of Myanmar where the military coup soldiers burned their houses and crops, shot some family members and stole their farm animals. The area near David’s city is in less turmoil (at least for now), since it is the seat of military training for the nation. 

Thanks to a gift designated for benevolence, we were able to add to it and supply basic food, blankets and evangelistic Bibles to these weary and heartbroken pilgrims. A few of the families are Christian, but most are Buddhist. They received the supplies and the Bibles with thanks and amazement that someone would care for them in this hour. Several people were eating only rice soup to sustain themselves. They also graciously received the Bibles and began reading, most for the first time in their lives.

Pastor David’s teams will keep in touch with them, knowing more families will likely follow. These are desperate times for Myanmar, but our God loves to extend His love and salvation in desperate times, doesn’t He? 

In light of this golden opportunity, would you prayerfully consider investing in food, blankets and more evangelistic Bibles to share with these displaced and disoriented people fleeing their homes? To meet these needs over the next few months and supply Bibles for outreach for 14 evangelists mentored by Pastor David, we are asking the Lord to supply $9,500. We thank God for teams of willing and Holy Spirit-empowered workers demonstrating the love of Jesus while meeting these basic human needs. 

Thank you for praying into this situation and for being open to giving. Your generosity and faithfulness continue to be an encouragement not only to us, but to our brothers and sisters in Myanmar. Let’s embrace this golden opportunity and see what God will do to extend His kingdom!

Thank you for your prayers and support. What an honor to have a small part in God’s great story.

We love you,

Jim and Nancy