Firefall International

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God Gave Us an Open Door

“For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.” I Cor. 16:9

Eleven and a half years ago, Jim and I were guided by the Spirit of God to visit a certain city in Myanmar and host a conference for youth leaders in that nation. This guidance came by way of a strong “nudge” in my spirit to go and strengthen the body of Christ there. We obeyed, following this odd prompting by faith. What did we find there? An open door. 

We discovered a small and struggling group of believers, desperate for more of God. There was nothing glitzy or glowing with success about them to the natural eye. Their leader was a young man captured by a heavenly vision at age 17 to reach the Burmese with the good news of Jesus Christ. That young man was Pastor David. 

In the past eleven and a half years, through the faithfulness of God, the united vision and work of House of Glory plus your prayers and giving, we have seen this open door swing wide to include Bible distribution, clean water wells and humanitarian aid freely shared with thousands of suffering people. In addition to community bridge building through soccer and the lending library, a network of 15 evangelist/church planters has been established in many regions, preaching and discipling hungry and receptive hearts in the nation. 

This God-given open door and your partnership built a 3-story community outreach center housing football offices, a library to enrich the community, a 350-seat worship/meeting center and a home for Pastor David and his family with room to welcome others. The House of Glory center was built during the COVID years and was completed just weeks before the military coup began. Only God could do this!

We continue to be amazed and humbled to have a small role in God’s great story of redemption in this land where so few have ever heard of the love of Jesus. This officially classified unreached people group is being reached with His love, day by day, week by week, friend to friend through the people of God by the power of God. 

Please pray for us as we join our Myanmar family November 2-13 to host outreaches through football and a time of rest and refreshment for the church planters. And we want to extend a big thank you from all of us for helping us reach our goal to fund these events

We will send out a prayer itinerary soon. Prayer is foundational and the most important work we can do. How beautiful is the body of Christ!

With much love,


“I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it.” Rev. 3:8